Friday, 28 September 2012

this moment

Joining in with Soulemama, a moment to pause and remember.

Jo x 

Saturday, 22 September 2012

this to that

Despite having done quite a lot of knitting, it still never ceases to amaze me that I can take this, 

and turn it into that...

Sticks and string..... that's all it is really. Amazing.

Jo x 

Friday, 21 September 2012


Celebrating the end of summer, looking at the flowers that we won't see again until winter is over.

Jo x 

Thursday, 20 September 2012

this moment

Joining in with Solemama. A moment to pause and remember.

why we homeschool...

Ok, so this is not really why we homeschool but it is one of the many benefits. On a lovely sunny september day when we had a big long to do list, we dropped it all and spent a long afternoon here doing not very much.

Except, it seems, jumping off things! (and taking photos!)

And yes, Roghan is still wearing is pyjama bottoms, we were obviously in too much of a hurry to think about the mundane tasks like getting dressed.

Despite placing my knitting very hopefully out in front of me I actually managed a grand total of 0 stitches. Here's to optimism though.

Jo x 

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

yarn along

Joining in with Ginny for the yarn along.
I am learning to knit 2 socks at the same time!!
Honestly, the things that get me excited...

This was my first sample pair, done in different colours so as to be less confusing. I think the idea here is that you do this twice to get more practice and end up with 2 pairs of socks. I was using up bits of leftover wool though and don't have enough to make more, so I now have an odd pair of socks to fit about a 3-4 year old and as I have a 7 yr old and a 10 month old, they are kind of useless! 

I did learn a lot though and am now working away on a 'proper' pair of socks.

Luckily I am the same size as their intended recipient so I can try them on.
These are made with this gorgeous gorgeous wool which is 50% merino and 50% yak. It feels amazing and is going to be so super warm.

Happy yarn along x 
Jo x 

Monday, 17 September 2012

at our place

This week has been a gentle touch and delicate balance, choosing buttons, seasons pictures, practising spirals, faiths first swiss roll made solo, somebody deciding that that ice lolly really should be his ice lolly, enjoying moments of sun and fun on beaches and in gardens.

Jo x 

Sunday, 16 September 2012

new babies...

A good friend of mine has just got a new spaniel puppy, she is going to be trained to use as a gundog and I am fascinated to see the process the involves. For now though she is just 11 weeks old and is enjoying the boundless energy of puppydom. Introducing Indie...

As you can see she and Roghan got on pretty well, they both knocked each other over and sat on each other several times but neither seemed to mind.

An arrival at another friends home is this sweetest little one. Nicknamed sketcher (after the shoebox he was brought home in), this baby hedgehog (hoglet!), was either abandoned or its mother died and he was found wandering alone down the side of a road at 3 weeks old. At that age he would only have been out of the den a day or 2 and wouldn't stand a chance alone. However, he is now a month older, putting on weight and doing well. Unfortunately he has some injury to his back leg and cannot be released, the sanctuary is full so my friend looks like she will end up with a hedgehog as a pet!

In the photos you can see that its front left leg looks really swollen, the vets think it may be arthritis as it doesn't respond to any anti-inflammatory and this is why it can't be released.

Jo x