Ok, ok, I know, I'm British and I'm talking about the weather, but really, the weather this last month has been something to pay attention to. We have had sun, hail, rain, fog, snow, wind (rip your phone out of your hand kind of wind - that actually happened), freezing cold, and pleasantly warm, sometimes even all in 1 day. Last week on one day I woke up to snow and freezing wind and then at dawn a lovely warm sunny day started in which it kept randomly and very heavily hailing for about 10 seconds at a time. No-one knows how many clothes to wear or when its safe to venture out! We don't get extreme weather down here, I think I've seen the thermometer at -2 so far this year and the snow we had was just a sprinkling (for us that still counts and everything comes to a grinding halt), in the summer it gets warm, in the winter it gets cool, it rains quite a bit and we get some fog. Not extreme, just extremely changeable.
Jo x
I love seeing all your photos. I wish we had snow at my home, we went straight from another very mild winter to spring. Guess that is what I get for living in the deep south.