Sunday 14 April 2013


So, being a stay at home, homeschooling mama means that I am with my kids pretty much all the time, which is lovely, except when its not, because sometimes you just need to be alone. Sometimes you just want to be quiet, and think, and actually make it to the end of a thought, and sometimes you want to walk at your own pace, and so sometimes, when papa has a day off, mama might just sneak out the door with the puppy dog for a little recharge.

We walked through mist and drizzle, mud and grass, and for half an hour all was peace.

I did some spring colour spotting and felt that the ice has gone out of the wind today.

I spied this sweet little tunnel that goes all the way through the hedge. Rabbits I'm guessing?

I fell in love with this big old building. I'm not sure what it was or what it is but there's something about it.

Best of all though, I came back calm, rested, recharged and ready to go again.

To all the hard working mamas out there, go get yourself some recharge x 

Jo x 

1 comment:

  1. My kids are grown and I still need a recharge! Lovely outing and how nice you shared it with us :)
